24 Hours in Chiang Mai

Traveling just brings out the best in people. You’re in a new place, feeling good, trying new food, life is just perfect. And when you feel good, you project that. Maybe that's why making friends while traveling is so much easier than at home (at least for me). I’m sure it also has something to do with finding companionship while in a new place, but I like to think of it as good energies being drawn to each other. But anyway, I made a friend in Chiang Mai and we spent the next day hanging out and exploring together. Not only did we have a pretty fun day, but it was actually super productive as well.

Whether you’re passing through Chiang Mai and only have a day to explore orrrr you’re just looking for a fun, productive day in the city, this day itinerary is just for you! This plan is great if you’re staying in the Old City, but can work even if you’re staying elsewhere.

If you don’t have time to read the article, here’s the short list:

To Do / See:

  • Wat Phra That Doi Suthep

  • Thai Massage

  • Asia Scenic Thai Cooking School

  • Night Bazaar

  • Chiang Mai Cabaret

Where to Eat / Drink:

  • Blue Diamond

  • Clay Studio

  • Asia Scenic Thai Cooking School



Wake up and start your day with breakfast and coffee! I met my friend, Suzanne at Blue Diamond, located in the top right corner of Old City. The cafe is super cute and opens at  7AM- so if you're an early riser, you can rely on Blue Diamond to be open! In addition to savory full breakfast items, they also have a variety of juices and smoothies. They have a bakery and little shop in the back as well that not only sells baked goods, but also an assortment of handmade products and knick-knacks. I noticed that a lot of shops and cafes in Chiang Mai sell all natural bugspray, which I loved finding! It definitely doesn't work as well as chemical loaded death spray, but I still like using it. Before leaving Blue Diamond, grab a muffin for the road. They're delicious and even vegan! 


Once you’re through with breakfast, head out to the main road, just outside the Old City, and hail a red covered pick up truck. You’re heading to Wat Phra That Doi Suthep. This is the well known temple on top of the mountain, Doi Suthep, just outside of town. The red covered pickup truck is going to get you there. These are called songthaews. A songthaew is similar to taking an Uber pool or Lyft line. Kind of between a bus and a taxi. When the driver pulls over, you tell them where you want to go and they’ll either nod or tell you “no” and drive off. Songthaews don’t have specific routes, so picking you up may depend where their other passengers are headed. You don’t have to ask the price like you would with a tuk-tuk . Songthaews are straight forward prices and all the same within the city. When I was visiting, the price was 30 Baht per ride within the city, but I recently read that the local government was lowering these prices. The cost is usually written on the side of the songthaew, so keep an eye out. If you ask the driver the price, he may tell you something outrageous, realizing you aren’t familiar with the system.    


Getting to Wat Phra That Doi Suthep takes transferring to a different songthaew at the Chiang Mai Zoo. Sounds weird, but trust me. So when you initially hail the songthaew after breakfast, you can tell them “Doi Suthep” or “the Zoo to go to Doi Suthep”. Either way, they’ll take you to a pick up area just outside the zoo entrance where other songthaews will be waiting to drive people up the mountain.

The songthaew will drop you off at Doi Suthep and you will start your way up the 306 steps to the temple. Once at the top, you can wander around the grounds and check out the incredible views of Chiang Mai below. If you don’t have proper attire for entering the temple, there are robes you can borrow. Take your time exploring and enjoy yourself!

After spending time at Wat Phra That Doi Suthep, you can meander through all the roadside shops or head back to Chiang Mai. Suzanne and I poked around for awhile, snacking on fresh passionfruit and Thai coconut pudding pancakes.


At this point in the day, it’s most likely hot. And after walking up and down steps and wandering around in the heat, you’ll definitely be feeling it. You'll probably be ready to head back to your accommodation for some down time. If you're up for more exploring, I suggest grabbing your book, journal or just your earbuds and hitting up Clay Studio. Order an iced coffee and a fruit plate and just relax. Clay Studio has an awesome atmosphere and feels like a hidden temple ruin in the middle of a jungle. Located within the Old City walls, you enter through a beautifully carved wooden door and step into a gorgeous outdoor terrace covered in plantlife and old sculptures. Tables are set up throughout the garden and provide such a peaceful setting. 

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If this doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, head over to one of the many spas and get yourself a proper Thai massage. Don’t be surprised when they give you a pair of pajamas to change into and twist your body into a pretzel. Afterwards, if you have time before your evening plans, check out The Lost Book Shop for a great selection of used books and affordable prices.


Feeling refreshed and recharged, head over to Asia Scenic Thai Cooking School for your 5 PM cooking class. Be sure to make a reservation beforehand. At the start of class, you’re given a menu and have to choose what you will be cooking. Each person gets to make 5 dishes. Spring rolls, a curry paste of your choice and a curry dish made from your paste are 3 of the 5 dishes everyone will be cooking. The last two dishes are chosen from 4 categories (salad, soup, stir-fry & dessert) and have to be agreed upon by everyone in your group session. Luckily, everyone agreed pretty quickly that stir fry and dessert were the necessary choices. After agreeing on 2 categories, each person can choose what they would prefer to cook. I chose Hot Basil with tofu as my stir fry and fried banana as my dessert.

After the decision making has been concluded, class kicks off with an introduction of different herbs all grown in the back garden and then a trip to the market. Everyone is assigned their own wok and expected to prep and cook their own meals.. including the tedious job of grinding curry paste with the mortar and pestle. Feasting is obvious the best part! If you decide to make the fried banana for dessert, don’t leave them frying in the oil too long like I did. Turns out, burnt bananas aren't ideal. 


Heading outside the Old City to the main road like you did earlier, hail a songthaew or tuk tuk to the Night Bazaar. You may have a little bit of time to wander through the street vendors before your Ladyboy show at Chiang Mai Cabaret. The show starts at 9:30PM and tickets are 350 Baht and include 1drink. The show is absolutely incredible and an awesome way to end your busy day. Before heading back to your accommodation, wander the side streets and check out some of the street vendors. You may find some fun souvenirs you can't live without. The Night Bazaar goes on every night so you may want to come back another time to fully indulge in shopping and eating.